Faculty and staff resources
All links require an active Wayne State University login to view.
Faculty resources
Chairs' calendar
- CFPCA Chair's Calendar of important dates and deadlines
Provost Office Faculty Resources
- Bylaws of the College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts (2024)
- Department of Art, Art History, and Design Bylaws
- Department of Communication Bylaws
- Department of Music Bylaws
- Department of Theatre and Dance Bylaws
Behavioral Expectations for Instructors
Syllabus & Course Design
- Academic Regulations
- Teaching Resources
- Syllabus Guidelines / Remote/online coursework needs
- Final Exam Schedule
- WSU Textbook Requests
- Artificial Intelligence Guidelines from Academic Senate
- Decolonizing Curricula in the Arts Resources Guide
- Universal Course Design and Development
- OTL Virtual Resource Hub: OTL webinars regarding online education and other resources
- Online Teaching Pedagogy
Learning Management System & Online Resources
- Academica (Employee Resources, Faculty Instructional Resources (e.g., grade entry))
- Canvas
- College Website (Faculty Sections)
- Computing Support Manual (College policy regarding hardware, software and computer facilities)
Grades, Withdrawal, & Participation Confirmation
- Course Participation
- Midterm Grades/Early Academic Assessment (EAA) Guidlines and FAQs
- Progress Reports
- Final Grades
- Withdrawal Request Approvals
- College Grade Appeal Procedure
- Incomplete Grades Policy
- Change a Final Grade
Faculty workload policies
- College Policy
- Department of Art, Art History, and Design
- Department of Communication
- Department of Music
- Department of Theatre and Dance
Course Buyout and Release
Miscellaneous templates and forms
- Appointment Summary Template
- Faculty Professional Record Template
- Financial Responsibility Form
- Request for Modified Duties Form (pdf)
- Request for Tenure-Clock Interruption Form (pdf)
- Request to Defer Sabbatical Leave of Absence Form (pdf)
- Unpaid Leave of Absence Template
- Link to Continuing Benefits form (pdf)
Faculty promotion and tenure
Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty
- CFPCA T/TT P&T Workshop Recording for 2023-24
- CFPCA T/TT orientation packet 2023-2024
- Provost Office Guidelines for 2024-2025
- Provost Office T/TT orientation videos
- Notification of Intent to Apply for Promotion and Tenure
- Acknowledgment of P&T Information Meeting with the Chair
- Tenure Clock Interruption Request
- Externally funded research form
- Accessing SET reports - How-to guides and information reguarding student evaluation of teaching (SET) reports for administrators, advisors, faculty and staff.
- Recommendations for Documenting Creative Activities and Collaborative Work
- Promotion and Tenure Factors
- Sample Personal Statements
- Sample Teaching Portfolios
- Office of Provost Site for Faculty Promotion and Tenure
Teaching Faculty
- CFPCA NTT Promotion Workshop Recording for 2023-24
- CFPCA NTT Promotion orientation packet
- Provost Office Guidelines for 2024-2025
- Provost Office NTT orientation videos:
- Promotion Factors
- University (if a department does not have specific teaching faculty factors, use university factors)
- Department of Communication
- Notification of Intent to Apply for Promotion and Tenure
- Acknowledgment of P&T Information Meeting with the Chair
- Accessing SET reports - How-to guides and information reguarding student evaluation of teaching (SET) reports for administrators, advisors, faculty and staff.
- Recommendations for Documenting Creative Activities and Collaborative Work
- Office of Provost Site for Faculty Promotion and Tenure
Department Promotion and Tenure Templates
- External evaluator template for tenure-track, clinical and research faculty (docx)
- External evaluator template for teaching faculty (docx)
- Sample P&T Department Committee Memo
- Sample P&T Chair's Memo
- Sample P&T Department Notification to Applicant Memo
Faculty Mentoring
Academic staff ESS
Procedures, documents, and FAQs
- Notification of Intent to Apply for ESS
- Office of Provost Site for ESS procedures and resources
- CFPCA Academic Staff Procedures for ESS Application and Review
- Employee Security Status Frequently Asked Questions
- Academic Staff ESS Bookmark Procedures
- Academic staff professional record template
- Academic staff P&T coversheet template
- Evaluation Letter Request template
- Summary of Additional Evaluators template
- University Factors for Academic Staff
- College Factors for Promotion and Employment Security Status for Academic Staff
- AAHD Promotion and Employment Security Status Factors for Academic Staff
- Communication Promotion and Employment Security Status Factors for Academic
- Music Promotion and Employment Security Status Factors for Academic Staff
- Theatre-Dance Promotion and Employment Security Status Factors for Academic
Academic staff promotion
Forms and Procedures
- Notification of Intent to Apply for Promotion
- Provost Office Promotion procedures
- Promotion Frequently Asked Questions
- Academic Staff Promotion Bookmark Procedures
- Academic Staff Procedures for Promotion Application and Review
- University Factors for Academic Staff
- College Factors of Promotion and Employment Security Status for Academic Staff
- AAHD Promotion and Employment Security Status Factors for Academic Staff
- Music Promotion and Employment Security Status Factors for Academic Staff
- Sample Promotion Packet (contact Dean's Office for the Sample)
Retention of student records
Term papers and examinations shall either be returned to the student or retained by the instructor for a minimum of six months. Thereafter they may be destroyed. Instructors shall retain grade records for at least five years following the end of a term, and instructors who leave the institution shall give grade records for courses conducted during the past five years to their department chairperson. Five years after the end of a course, grade records may be returned to the instructor or destroyed by the department.
Part-time faculty (PTF)
University PTF Resources
- Part-time faculty resources (onboarding and orientation)
Behavioral Expectations for Instructors
Syllabus & Course Design
- Syllabus Guidelines / Remote/online coursework needs
- Artificial Intelligence Guidelines from Academic Senate
- Textbook Requests
- Final Exam Schedule
- Teaching Resources
- Universal Course Design and Development
- Decolonizing Curricula in the Arts Resources Guide
- OTL Virtual Resource Hub: OTL webinars regarding online education and other resources
Learning Management System & Online Resources
- Academica (Employee Resources, Faculty Instructional Resources (e.g., grade entry))
- Canvas
- College Website (Faculty Sections)
Midterm, Final, & Incomplete Grades, Appeals, Assessment
- Course Participation Confirmation
- Midterm Grades/Early Academic Assessment (EAA) Guidlines and FAQs
- Progress Reports
- Final Grades
- Withdrawal Request Approvals
- College Grade Appeal Procedure
- Incomplete Grades Policy
- Change a Final Grade
- Assessment, General Education-designated courses
PTF Contractual Issues
- WSU/UPTF Collective Bargaining Agreement
- PTF Evaluation Guidelines
- Undergraduate Bulletin
- Graduate Bulletin
- Retention of Student Records
- Academic Regulations
- Part-Time Faculty Resources
- Getting Started at Wayne State University
- Union of Part-Time Faculty (UPTF)
- Support for Professional Development
PTF College Course Pools
Graduate assistants (Teaching, Student, Research)
Behavioral Expectations for Instructors
Syllabus & Course Design
- Academic Regulations
- Teaching Resources
- Syllabus Guidelines / Remote/online coursework needs
- Final Exam Schedule
- WSU Textbook Requests
- Artificial Intelligence Guidelines from Academic Senate
- Decolonizing Curricula in the Arts Resources Guide
- Universal Course Design and Development
- OTL Virtual Resource Hub: OTL webinars regarding online education and other resources
- Online Teaching Pedagogy
Learning Management System & Online Resources
- Academica (Employee Resources, Faculty Instructional Resources (e.g., grade entry))
- Canvas
- College Website (Faculty Sections)
- Computing Support Manual (College policy regarding hardware, software and computer facilities)
Other University Resources for GTAs
- GTA Instructional Resources - Office for Teaching & Learning
- Graduate School Professional Development series
Grades, Withdrawal, & Participation Confirmation
- Course Participation
- Midterm Grades/Early Academic Assessment (EAA) Guidlines and FAQs
- Progress Reports
- Final Grades
- Withdrawal Request Approvals
- College Grade Appeal Procedure
- Incomplete Grades Policy
- Change a Final Grade
PTF Contractual Issues
The Graduate Employees Organizing Committee (GEOC)-American Federation of Teachers Collective Bargaining Agreement
- Graduate Teaching and Graduate Student Contract (Please note that Graduate Research Assistants (GRA) are not covered by the GEOC contact).
- Information Regarding Graduate Assistantships
- Graduate Student Funding
System support
System Support customers may use the forms below to submit a service or desktop support request. All System Support requests are addressed on a first come, first served basis. For emergency assistance during normal business hours, please call the System Support Help Desk at 313-577-8341.
Grants and awards
Grants and Awards Information
The CFPCA Grants and Awards Support Team (GAST) is available to assist with research; creative activity development; and support within the College. Please submit questions and requests for support services to CFPCA-Research@wayne.edu. The GAST will respond to emails within two business days.
The team offers both pre and post award support including: providing information on grant/award opportunities; helping with preparation of proposal packages and assisting with budget development; supporting faculty and departmental administrative staff with proposal development and award management activities; providing guidance on WSU and CFPCA grant and award policies and procedures, documentation requirements and deadlines; and developing training programs for staff/faculty on topics related to proposal development and submission, contract administration and award management.
- Grants & Award Opportunities Spreadsheet
- Grant Processes Flow Chart – Internal and External
- FAQs for Grant Processes
- Awards and Honors Chart
- For questions about Cayuse and SPA, click here for a video tutorial
Here are training materials presented at September's college research meeting:
- CFPCA Research Presentation
- Division of Research and Innovation Presentation
- Foundations Presentation
Click here to begin the CFPCA grant request approval process. Note that you will be required to complete a short training module the first time you log in to the system. If you need assistance with the grant request system, please email GAST.
Should you need assistance with grant processing, please reach out to the department contacts listed below:
James Pearson Duffy Department of Art, Art History, and Design
Primary Department Contact: Amy HaysDepartment of Communication
Primary Department Contact: Brianna Lilleyman (with support from Laura Emerson)Department of Music
Primary Department Contact: Evelyn WilliamsMaggie Allesee Department of Theatre and Dance
Primary Department Contact: Tom Lee (with support from Maria Paglia-Militello)Dean's Office
Beth BartonCollege Awards
Faculty Awards
Teaching Awards
College Funding
- Faculty Creative/Research Grant (not available AY2024-2025)
University Funding
- WSU's Internal Funding Programs Office of the Vice President for Research
- OVPR Summer Salary Request
- WSU's Office of Sponsored Program Administration
Collegee Academic Staff Awards
College Staff Awards
Part-time Faculty Awards