Success and Accountability Mentors (SAMs)

Success and accountability mentors (SAM) are students who have been in your shoes. They know what it is like to be new to campus and have gone through the process of finding their niche. Your SAM is a vested partner in your success who is committed to helping you achieve your goals both in and out of the classroom. They will celebrate your successes and help you strategize ways to overcome challenges.

Weekly check-ins allows your SAM to help with a variety of things like:

  • Answering questions
  • Offering a listening ear
  • Helping you build community among Creative Warriors and other WSU students
  • Giving you a push when needed
  • Encouraging you to lean into resources and your STILE community

Meet your STILE success and accountability mentors

Savanna McFadden

Hi, my name is Savanna and I am a BFA Dance Major in the College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts. I am excited to be one of your success and accountability partners for STILE this year. Starting out as a new student at Wayne State University can feel exhilarating yet overwhelming.

One of the best pieces of advice I received was to get involved right from the start. Whether that meant joining clubs related to my major or participating in campus events, I found that being active on campus enriched my university experience. It also helped me build a supportive network of friends and mentors. These connections provided invaluable guidance, from navigating coursework to discovering hidden study spots and everything in between. Wayne State University offers countless opportunities to engage, and embracing them has truly shaped my journey here into an unforgettable and fulfilling experience. I can't wait to help you do the same!

Jenni Garcia-Flores

Hi! I'm Jenni and I'm a 2nd year Industrial Design Student. Small animals are my favorite, so I love talking about the squirrel watching  club. This is one of the numerous groups on campus that you can join and it's hilarious to watch the squirrels around campus. I recommend that new students take advantage of all the cool stuff on campus, especially when it's free! 

Gwen Vaughn

Hello! My name is Gwen Vaughn, and my pronouns are she/her. I am currently a junior pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance here at Wayne State University. I was born and raised in Detroit, so I love the city. I recently wrapped up my second summer working with Wayne State's New Student Orientation, which has given me valuable insights into the various campus resources and departments. This experience allows me to offer helpful information to new students navigating university life.

One fun fact about me is that I come from a large family of 7 siblings, with 5 of them being sisters. I have a special fondness for the winter season, primarily because of the festive Christmas vibes and the mesmerizing lights that adorn the city. One of my favorite activities during this time is skating in Campus Martius, right in the heart of Downtown Detroit. The whole atmosphere during winter is truly magical to me. During my leisure time, I love to immerse myself in a wide variety of movies and TV shows. I'm always on the lookout for great recommendations, so feel free to share your favorites with me! Additionally, as a dancer, music plays a huge role in my life. I'm constantly exploring different genres and artists, so I'm very open to music suggestions as well. Feel free to send them my way! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Ryan Fischer
I’m Ryan, a Junior in the CFPCA majoring in Industrial Design. I’m also a collegiate figure skater and co-president of WSUID, our awesome new student-led Industrial Design organization! Balancing my academic studies with figure skating and leading WSUID has taught me a lot about discipline, teamwork, and time management. These experiences have shaped my approach to mentorship, where I focus on supporting and empowering others to achieve their goals.

I became a Success and Accountability Partner with STiLE because I believe in the impact of mutual support and accountability. Coming from a rough academic start myself and rocketing up to the success I see in school now, I’ve seen firsthand how a strong support network can turn challenges into opportunities and successes into milestones. As a mentor, I’m excited to help students set goals, navigate obstacles that come up in the arts, and celebrate their achievements big or small!

Breana Brown 

 Hi Warriors! My name is Breana Brown. I am a graphic design major. I am entering my junior year and joining the Honors College this fall. I am also a part of the National Alzheimer Buddies organization and work as a student assistant for the College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts. 

I am a success and accountability partner because I know the strategies, connections, and resources to make you a successful student in many ways. I want to help you succeed by understanding your needs and achieving your personal goals through your strengths. I am also a planner and believe it is important to make deadlines for goals so that time management and accountability play an important role.

Helpful advice for a new student - Take one day at a time. College can be challenging, but if you pace yourself and give yourself grace when challenges come your way, you will succeed in your college career.

Jaylen Calloway

Hi, my name is Jaylen. I'm a graphic design major entering my junior year. I took a non-traditional path to Wayne by participating in the Oakland Community College ACE (Accelerated College Experience) program. I completed a "13th" year at OCC earning my high school diploma and assoicate degree at the same time as a part of this dual enrollment program.

I like helping people in general but really look forward to helping you with campus opportunities. I just spent a month in Italy studying design as a part of the Italian studies study abroad. It was an amazing experience, and I had a great time! I want to make sure that you don't miss out on all of the great things that are available to you. 

John Pablo Rojas 

My advice to students - Sometimes it is hard to get to know people in your classes. Make sure you connect with people in your building during hall/floor events if you are living on campus or join one of the many clubs on campus to meet others. 

My name is John Pablo Rojas, and I'm studying cello performance and composition in the Department of Music. I study here at Wayne with Detroit Symphony Orchestra cellist Úna O'Riordan, and composition with Dr. Jonathan Anderson. The most important thing I have learned here during my time at WSU is how to find and build community. Finding your way as a Creative Warrior can be difficult.  In my first semester I  felt isolated and struggled to find motivation in my practice. I felt alone, but the beautiful thing about being a student here is that there is always someone who wants to help you find your path. 

I found solace in the many different genres of music that Detroit and beyond has to    offer and I was surprised at how welcoming some of these musicians are. My applied cello instructor, professors, and peers all showed me different musical people and communities that I have come to love and cherish. Now that a few years    have passed, I'm happy to say I haven't felt similar feelings of isolation since.

Something I Iearned these past years, and something I would deeply recommend to Creative Warriors especially, is to get outside your comfort zone as soon as you possibly can. Your craft will find it's own natural voice, you will meet some of the most incredible people, and you will grow immensely.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Madison Dickinson 

Hi, my name is Madison! I’m in my 2nd year at Wayne majoring in public relations. I also have minors in journalism and music. Remember, college is a time for growth, exploration, and self-discovery. Embrace the journey and make the most of this incredible opportunity! Some advice that I would give for a new college student is: 

  1. Set clear goals: Define your academic, personal, and career objectives.
  2. Time management: Balance academics, social life, and self-care.
  3. Get involved: Explore clubs, organizations, and volunteer opportunities.
  4. Seek help: Don't hesitate to ask others for support.
  5. Be open-minded: Embrace new experiences, perspectives, and ideas.
  6. Take care of yourself: Prioritize physical and mental well-being.
  7. Stay organized: Use tools like planners, calendars, or apps to stay on top of tasks.
  8. Build relationships: Foster connections with peers, professors, and mentors.
  9. Explore resources: Utilize campus facilities, services, and support systems.
  10. Be patient and flexible: Adapt to challenges and changes with a growth mindset.

Mia Frontiero 

Hi, I'm Mia Frontiero, a fourth-year theatre acting major pursuing a Bachelor's in Fine Arts with a musical theatre minor. I am also a member of the Irvin D. Reid Honors College. For the past two years, I've served as the peer mentor for the Creative Warriors Living Learning Community and am very excited to be a part of the STiLE team this year. I was inspired to become a peer mentor and partner after my mentor freshman year reached out. Feeling seen and supported in the infancy of my college experience was exactly the boost that allowed me to find purpose, independence, and familiarity with the new world around me.

My biggest advice to new students is to be kind to yourself. Take baby steps, walk before you run, and allow yourself to fall so you can get back up. In my darkest moments, I found new pathways of learning through the incredible mentors and resources around me here at Wayne State University. Nothing about college or life is linear, so enjoy the ride. The oddest bends bring the best surprises. That's what makes it fun.

                                                                                                     Rashaun Massey-Johnson

Hello my name is Rashaun. I was born and raised in Detroit Michigan. I am a Bachelor of Fine Arts dance major with a minor in exercise and sports science. I chose to become a success and accountability partner because I enjoy being a helping hand. I was thankful that I knew the correct resources to reach out to when I was in the space where I needed help. So, now I want to help others too. My recent position as an orientation leader gave me insight about the value of being there for students and providing guidance when it’s needed. 

Haley Puri

My name is Haley Puri. I am a sophomore majoring in Fine Arts with a concentration in Painting. I love listening to music, watching movies, and going out to eat. I am also a member of the WSU Speech team. As a Queer and Filipino artist, I'm fascinated by modern-contemporary and social practices. Within my own work, mainly portraiture, I address themes of race, queerness, and human interaction. I echo my induvial experiences to reach the whole, communicate political messages, and change.

My goal as an artist is to create safe spaces, and through the STiLE program we can achieve this.  I am deeply committed to building community through creative frameworks to uplift other bodies. I hope incoming freshmen build close relationships with peers and utilize all the resources professors offer in a joyful manner.

Mena Mahone, Success and accountability mentor coordinator

Hi, I'm Mena! I chose STILE as a part of my journey at Wayne State to help build long term relationships and to gain experience in helping other’s stay connected with event’s that bring people together. I want to make the best of my time here. This program is the perfect way to help me prepare for future endeavors and opportunities. 

My main goal at WSU is to graduate with my bachelor’s and to get my certification in teaching arts to grades K-12. I hope to one day open my own recreation center to help kids with mental health challenges express their feelings through art. I want to help them feel free mentally, physically and emotionally. I look forward to working with everyone and meeting you in person!

Bring a little bit of home with you via support from your external success partner

Success partners are a crucial component of helping you stay on track. That's why STILE wants you to identify one person who will be a good source of encouragement, someone who can offer you support, and/or someone who will not hesitate to give you a nudge in the right direction when needed.

This person will be your external success partner. It can be a family member, former teacher, childhood friend or anyone you think will be willing to offer you off campus support. We will include this person in celebratory events and recognition of your milestone achievements so we can collectively celebrate your accomplishments!