Wayne State University, Detroit Public TV partner with Center for Cooperative Media on national journalism conference

One of the most important national journalism conferences of the year is coming to Detroit next spring, and Wayne State University’s Department of Communication and Detroit Public Television are helping to plan and host it.
The annual Collaborative Journalism Summit, organized by Montclair State University’s Center for Cooperative Media, will be held May 9-10, 2024, on Wayne State’s campus and will attract journalists from across the country.

“Journalism and the press are central to a democracy,” said Hasan Elahi, dean of Wayne State’s College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts. “We at Wayne State have always been keenly aware and attune to this, as the university has graduated so many professionals in the field of journalism in Detroit and beyond.”
When the Montclair Center decided on Detroit, they reached out to DPTV to co-host it, said Rich Homberg, president and CEO of Detroit Public Television, in an email. “We looped in Wayne State because of its excellent journalism program, its central location and its eagerness to collaborate,” he said.
And it was that spirit of collaboration that brought the Summit to Detroit, Homberg noted, which is designed to be a fast-paced event that is full of sharing and learning. Both days are typically packed with sessions, so attendees are asked to prepare accordingly.

“Collaboration has never been more important than it is now to provide our community with the impactful, far-reaching journalism it deserves,” Homberg said. “Despite shrinking newsrooms, and often shrinking budgets, there has never been a time when factual, accurate and conscientious coverage has been needed more. Pooling our ideas, our resources and our platforms is a proven way to achieve that.
“We believe the upcoming Collaborative Journalism Summit is another important step in this direction,” Homberg continued, “as journalists share ideas, learn from one another, and form new connections and partnerships.”