Humanities Center Brown Bag Series: De-Colonizing the Art

The Freedom Players, one of the two ensembles within the Black Theatre and Dance Collective in the Theatre and Dance Department, devised a play based on the social justice theme, Liberation. The developed play, "I AM: A Journey Towards Liberation" is about the continual challenges of seeking liberation. This play was developed as a research project by its directors Billicia Hines, Dr. RAS Mikey Courtney and Karen Prall who, along with the cast, engaged in a collaborative approach towards a young person's experience of oppression and what it means to embody one's journey towards the liberation of self.

During the Humanities Center Brown Bag Series: De-Colonizing the Art, the directors and cast will show how their research into the development and presentation of I Am… has provided a framework to aid in the decolonization of the arts. Original cast members will be performing excerpts of the play to exemplify and explain our process. The event will be held on Wednesday, Octpber 30, at 12:30 at the Allesee Dance Theatre located on the third floor of Old Main.

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