CFPCA Dean Seeger comments on the narrative surrounding Detroit's bankruptcy...
Detroit Free Press
"Seeking Detroit's voice: Lack of message lets others shape the narrative"
by Mark Stryker
The challenge facing Detroit is all about leadership and forging a consensus about what a post-bankruptcy Detroit can and should be. The lack of leadership and a cohesive narrative defining a future Detroit has people like Matt Seeger concerned. Seeger, dean of the College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts at Wayne State University, is an expert in crisis communication and response. "In the absence of a strong, future-oriented and well-articulated narrative, other voices have come in to fill the gap in Detroit," Seeger said. "What we have is lots of second-guessing, blame and a high degree of uncertainty that has extended over a long period. Timing is very important in a crisis. You need to get out there and offer the narrative quickly and early." Earlier this month, a group of state and local power brokers, including Gov. Rick Snyder, Bill Ford, the presidents of Michigan State and Wayne State and others stumped for Michigan and Detroit in New York in meetings with site selection consultants and financial journalists, as well as businesspeople with ties to Michigan universities.