Congratulations to the CFPCA Faculty Members Awarded 2016-2017 Faculty Awards from the Graduate School!
The Graduate School awarded four CFPCA faculty members 2016-2017 Faculty Awards!
Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award: Fred Vultee, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Communication
This award celebrates faculty members who are recognized by their departments and graduate students as superb graduate mentors. Each recipient inspires their students with their dedication and enthusiasm for their area of research and provide guidance, support and encouragement for their mentees leading to publications, networking opportunities and excellent career placement.
Competitive GRA Award: Katheryn Maguire, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Communication; Lauren Kalman, MFA, Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Art History; Wendy Matthews, MMUS, Assistant Professor, Department of Music
These CFPCA faculty members will receive 12-month GRA positions for winter and spring/summer terms of 2016-2017 to support their research and create opportunity for select students in their programs.