Attention Creative Warriors: Open Slots Still Available for Winter 2017 Semester!
Are you in need of a fun and exciting course to fill up your last few credit hours? Check out the courses listed below, offered at the College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts!
Maggie Allesee Department of Theatre and Dance
DNC 2000: Introduction to World Dance
Description: Global perspective on and definition of dance, through assigned readings, writing, field trips, and laboratory experience. Focus on multicultural diversity, interdependent nature of dance.
DNC 2400: Introduction to African Dance
Description: Exploration of African and African derived dance forms, together with their integrated philosophy, music, art and theatre forms. Lectures, videos, concert attendance and reading assignments to learn and perform dances from selected African societies.
DNC 2260: Yoga
Description: Investigation of breath, movement and increased awareness of the body/mind for dance and theatre artists through yoga postures and Vedanta philosophy.
DNC 2630: Hip Hop Dance Styles
Description: Study and practice of hip hop dance styles.
For more information about the courses listed above or to register, visit
James Pearson Duffy Department of Art and Art History
APH 2400: Introductory Digital Photography
Introduction to digital photography is the perfect course to learn and perfect use of the camera with Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO controls. Develop a lifetime tool for creative expression and explore creative and critical ways of taking photographs. *Must have a digital camera that has Aperture and Shutter Speed control.
There are two APH 2400 winter 2017 courses available:
1. WSU Old Main Room: 4342
2. WSU Oakland Extension Room: 0308 (33737 West 12 Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48331)
For more information about the courses listed above or to register, visit
FPC 5025: Special Topics Entrepreneurship in the Arts
Learn how to find, develop and promote entrepreneurial opportunities for artists and/or for arts organizations. This course helps students move from life as a student to life as a professional artist, designer or arts advocate. Students from all departments are invited to this interdisciplinary course.
For more information about the course listed above or to register, visit